On 12 March 2018, Immobel announced the launch of an international competition for its Lebeau project, with the clear objective to bring a quality of architecture fully fitted to the extraordinary location of the project.

Four international architects studied the redevelopment of the site and finally presented it to a jury composed of representatives of the Brussels-Capital Region, the City of Brussels, the Bouwmeester Architect and Immobel.

Among all these proposals offering as much variety as high quality, it is the project of the Anglo-Dutch duo MaccreanorLavington:MLA+ and Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten (http://www.maccreanorlavington.com - http://www.kortekniestuhlmacher.nl) who received the favors of the jury.

Many thanks to the members of the jury and to all the bidders and sincere congratulations to the winners.

More info on http://bma.brussels/fr/2018/07/17/factsheet-lebeau/