
The Multi building is now set for a circular future thanks to Madaster's digital materials passport. The building of developers Immobel and Whitewood is the first renovation project in Belgium to receive a digital passport for materials in Madaster. Multi is also the first CO2-neutral office building to be commissioned in Brussels. 
Located on the Place de Brouckère in Brussels and signed by developers Whitewood and Immobel, the Multi project gives a second life to the famous Philips Tower from the 1960s. And giving a second life is also what Madaster stands for. "Thanks to Madaster's digital material passport, we will still know in 50 years' time which materials were used in the building," says Johan Klaps, director of Madaster. "In the event of a new renovation, these building materials can then be reused, which will even give them a third life.
The building was converted by contractor Cordeel to a design by Conix RDBM Architects, both of whom are already partners of Madaster. EPEA, another Madaster Max, created a Building Circularity Passport as part of its support for the project. "For this project, renovation was favoured over a demolition and new construction scenario," explains Michael Moradiellos, Real Estate Director at EPEA. "Thanks to urban mining, 2% of the new materials came from reuse through external markets, while 89% of the materials used came from the old building. 
With Multi, developers Immobel and Whitewood aim to contribute to the new dynamism of the centre of Brussels, including the extension of the pedestrian zone. With its 19 floors and 45,800 square metres, the building offers a flexible framework for different work spaces. The building is now fully leased to several tenants who attach great importance to sustainability.
"Users will find offices in a dynamic, mixed-use area that is easily accessible," says Gwen Vreven, Development Director at Immobel.
"Multi guarantees a qualitative extension of the central boulevard area. The building's atrium, with its large windows and urban garden open to the public, will form a strong link between the various surrounding neighbourhoods and the pedestrian zone," adds Valérie Vermandel, Chief Development Officer at Whitewood.