The fourth edition of the Trophées du Droit "Business Edition" was held in Paris on 4 October.

Organised by Leaders League, the company that publishes Décideurs Magazine, the competition has, since 2015, assembled the biggest names in the European business world and aims to showcase the excellence of the top-performing legal specialists. Nearly 1000 participants attended the ceremony marked by the presentation of prestigious prizes and the discovery of a wealth of talent.

Recognised at the ceremony for its quality, the diversity of its operations and especially for its exceptional development over the last three years, the Immobel Group, represented by Sophie Grulois, Head of Legal Services Immobel Group and Valérie Flaus, Head of Legal Services Immobel Luxembourg, received a special mention, honouring its status as market leader among the best international legal teams of its category.

The jury, made up of over 160 professionals such as legal and financial directors of big groups, merchant bankers and investment bankers, especially commended the quality of a highly experienced organisation, illustrated by its ultra-specialised, complementary, autonomous staff profiles. The omnipresent capacity for innovation and initiative within a highly respected legal department at the very heart of the Group's and its subsidiaries' strategic decisions will also have attracted the jury's attention.

To find out more about the Trophées du Droit: