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This liquidity contract, concluded on 25 June, will take effect as of 9 July 2018.

Immobel announces that it has entrusted Kepler Cheuvreux with the task of implementing a liquidity contract relating to its ordinary shares (Euronext Brussels-Code ISIN BE0003599108), in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Belgian laws and regulations, specifically the provisions on own share transactions carried out in application of Articles 620 to 626 of the Companies Code.

The approval of the Shareholders is required to trade own shares. This approval was given at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Immobel held on 17 November 2016 (to consult a copy of the minutes, click here).

Immobel is making available 40,000 of its securities for the implementation of this contract. Kepler Cheuvreux will start trading the Immobel shares as of 9 July 2018.

Weekly reports will be provided on the transactions by means of press releases published on the Immobel website at the following address

Download the complete version of the press release hereunder:
