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Immobel Belgium Tielt park

Immobel and Dumobil have obtained planning permission for the development of a completely new, green area in the West Flanders town of Tielt. Both the town and provincial councils have approved the parcelling of this ambitious housing project. Sustainable housing units will be combined harmoniously with the creation of a vast new park. The start of the work is planned for the autumn of 2021.


Almost 200 units to be built in a park of 48,000m²

Project developer Immobel will draw on more than two centuries of experience for this project. Specifically, Immobel will create a park surrounded by bespoke homes. There will be a mixture of 106 houses and 88 apartments. This means that the town of Tielt will see its population increase by around 1,000 inhabitants over time. The various living units will answer to the strictest insulation and energy norms and blend harmoniously with the surrounding countryside. The new park, with numerous colourful wildflower beds and more than 300 oak, linden and other indigenous trees, will promote relaxation and neighbourly encounters. Alongside sustainability, mobility also holds an important role. With its central location, close to the town centre and Tielt railway station, the project represents a nice upgrade for the urban environment.


Green living

“The park, which covers almost 5 hectares, forms the heart of this unique living project.” says Toon Honings, Development Director Immobel Home. “This project is an example of our philosophy of sustainable living. Furthermore, it reflects our goal of creating a sustainable, high-quality urban environment for the people who live and work there.”

With this housing project, Immobel is creating a completely new green area. The Marialoop stream meanders through the beautiful park, alongside which walking, jogging and cycling trails will be situated. These trails will connect the neighbourhood to the nearby railway station and town centre. Once again, the project is a shining example of future-oriented mobility. In addition, a multi-purpose grassy area is planned, as well as two buffer basins and fishponds. The trees will provide shade to the area. With this unique project Immobel is investing a maximum in natural spaces, future-oriented mobility and energy efficiency.

The Immobel project in brief
  • Overview: +30,000m²  - 194 units
  • 106 houses
  • 88 apartments
  • 48,000m² parkland