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Granary Island, a project of Immobel Poland, has won the MIPIM Award 2020 in the category “Best Urban Project”. The project was selected for its contribution to offering better livelihoods, improving social inclusion, increasing economic growth and inventing the city of tomorrow where humans will be at the centre of everything.

Together with RKW Architektur +, Kwadrat Studio Architektoniczne and Mąka Sojka Architekci, Immobel completely redeveloped the site on Granary Island, preserving the concept of the traditional grain sheds and translating their unique style into modern architecture. This part of the former Hanseatic city of Gdansk has lain waste ever since the ravages of the Second World War, leaving a gaping hole in the city. In addition to a hotel, apartments, shops and offices, the mixed project makes excellent use of its waterside location, with the construction of a new marina that will give the area a dynamic touch. A pedestrian bridge creates the link between the old town and the island.

“We are absolutely delighted to have received this award”, said Marnix Galle, Executive Chairman of Immobel. “It is a recognition of our strategy which focuses on the development of highly complex real estate projects in major European cities, where we create attractive architectural environments that improve living and working environments and meet the needs of today and tomorrow.”

The redevelopment of Granary Island, which is a great example of Immobel’s expertise in revitalizing city centres, will be completed in 2023.

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