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On Tuesday 29 November 2016, Immobel and its partners – the architectural firm DDS Partners and the landscape architects JNC International – has presented to residents a sustainable, pioneering building project for Nivelles. A single objective: to satisfy the needs of the city and its residents as far as possible in order to be able to offer them a quality project that meets their expectations.

Redesigning Nivelles with the authorities and the residents.

The new Îlot Saint-Roch building project is much more than a project: it is a concept in its own right, a new way of living, dwelling and working. A concept which Immobel does not intend to carry out alone, but in close collaboration with the local authorities and the residents so that, over time, it becomes their project. Aware of the new urban challenges of the future, Immobel and its partners are counting on reinventing the idea of living together while meeting the needs of the city of Nivelles. The project has been presented on

Tuesday 29 November at 18.30pm at the Town Hall and the residents present have been given the opportunity ask any questions and to submit any suggestions they might had.

Redevelopment of a former industrial site in keeping with the heritage

The site covering nearly 3 ha on which the new neighbourhood is to be established has been derelict since 1989. This abandoned site has, since then, been reallocated as a residential area and, in 2011, it was the subject of an R.U.E1. The developer intends to redevelop it in several phases, starting in 2017.

The Îlot Saint-Roch site is extremely well situated. In the heart of the city, among the RAVEL network of traffic-free pathways which links it to the railway station, and a ten-minute walk from the Collégiale of Nivelles, this future "environmentally-responsible neighbourhood" has everything it needs to flourish peacefully. As a result, it could become a genuine inhabited, green link, thanks to its footpaths, its urban park and its new avenue.

A green and open district

Îlot Saint-Roch is regarded as a sustainable, environmentally-responsible, friendly and green neighbourhood. Firstly, in terms of construction, insulation and water, waste and energy management. Next, in terms of friendliness, through the many opportunities for exchanges and meetings it will facilitate around its shops, vegetable gardens and coworking spaces. A neighbourhood with a welcoming nature, in which all the communal areas will be designed to generate sharing: rooftops, terraces and play areas. But in addition to these aspects, Ilôt Saint-Roch is regarded above all as a green lung at the entrance to Nivelles to give its future inhabitants a breath of fresh air. Sharing and respect for the environment will be envisaged, right through to mobility which is intended to be soft: the car parks will be underground in order to encourage the use of bicycles, walking and shared cars.

A varied accommodation offer

The new complex will stand out from traditional property developments through its mix of functions and the variety of its accommodation. The offer is expected to be varied and should satisfy all the residents of Nivelles in terms of both the type of dwelling and the accommodation portfolio, since the programme offers 1-bedroom studios and single-family homes, 2- or 3-bedroom apartments and even some more compact community housing. The objective of these differentiated living spaces will be to attract single people, young couples, families, students and seniors and thus generate a new urban fabric that is both dynamic and interdependent.

Added value for Nivelles and its inhabitants

The aim of the Îlot Saint-Roch project is to be, first and foremost, a project for the residents of Nivelles: a pioneering complex aimed at creating a positive dynamic for the city as a whole and for its residents in particular. In other words, an added value on several levels: firstly, the redevelopment of an abandoned plot in a friendly neighbourhood. Next, the creation of a new, intergenerational living space enabling everyone to settle in the city centre, in quality accommodation and at a reasonable price. And, finally, the revitalisation of the local economy, the schools and the shops as well as the community and cultural life.


Download the complete version of the press release hereunder:
